Term Debentures

Offering high interest rates and quarterly interest income

Key features of Zenith Leasing’s Term Debenture include:
Investment opportunities

In a low interest rate environment, Zenith Leasing offers investors an attractive high interest rate and regular quarterly interest income.

Investment diversification

Zenith Leasing offers an investment diversification opportunity.

Finance broker network

Potential clients are identified from our business finance broker network.

Credit history

Credit risks are lowered as the client is known to our finance broker network and has an established credit and repayment history.


We have a well-managed process of credit risk assessment and residual asset valuation.


Zenith Leasing manages default risk by diversifying the loan book across different asset classes and demographics.


All our finance loans are secured against the underlying asset and where warranted additional security is taken for higher risk scenarios.

3 year terms

Our business only lends to the Small Medium Enterprise sector and our loan book is typically three years.

Term Debenture

In order to match the cash flows and maturity profile of the loan book we require a minimum Term Debenture of two years.

Asset security diversity

We accept different forms of assets as security on loans. It does not necessarily have to be just the assets that we finance.


Zenith Leasing is flexible and will look to tailor the loan to suit particular circumstances.

Interested in becoming a Term Debenture holder?

Want an attractive high interest rate and regular quarterly interest income? Please contact us to see if you qualify.

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